Do you have a set of SQL scripts that you run all the time? Have you thought about creating a batch file to call these scripts whenever you need them to run? Here is how you would do such a thing.
First, create a folder on your computer and call it something such as scripts and then drop your scripts into the folder (Figure A).
Figure A.
Next, create a batch file that points to the script or scripts that you created (Figure B).
Figure B.
Your script or scripts can be as easy or as complex as you want. Create a set of scripts to help you in your daily life.
Let’s now go ahead and run our batch file (Figure C).
Figure C.
Another script I tend to run a lot is a reset permissions script. Figure D. shows the output.
Note: You can run a sqlcmd /? to get a listing of all your switches (Figure E).
C:\Documents and Settings\minds>sqlcmd -SMinds8\Minds8 -Usa -P123456 -dSamy -q"s
elect a.LastName,a.Firstname,b.OrderNo,Convert(varchar(10),b.orderdate,103)Order
date,b.Orderprice From dbo.persons as a inner join orders as b on a.p_id=b.p_id"
-h10 -Y15
LastName Firstname OrderNo Orderdate Orderprice
--------------- --------------- ----------- ---------- ---------------------
Pettersen Kari 77895 02/12/2009 1000.0000
Pettersen Kari 44678 02/12/2009 1600.0000
Hansen Ola 22456 02/12/2009 700.0000
Hansen Ola 24562 02/12/2009 300.0000
Hansen Ola 34764 02/12/2009 2000.0000
Nilsen Johan 12345 02/12/2009 100.0000
Nilsen Johan 12345 02/12/2010 100.0000
Nilsen Johan 12345 02/12/2008 100.0000
Hansen Ola 12345 02/12/2010 100.0000
(9 rows affected)
1> quit
C:\Documents and Settings\minds>
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